how much do you want to spend?

You choose how many to spend on a stay. You can get a room in a luxury $ 19 (bed not included) In this period of crisis, where people book their holidays looking hotel, bed and breakfast, holiday homes that offer the lowest price for a summer holiday, which begins here the guerrillas. There is the use of last minute offers, discounts, promotions, but there are those who, even more astute, he decided to prevail over their competitors by implementing marketing strategies for shock and displace all. The luxury hotel in San Diego Rancho Bernardo Inn is not the protagonist. He decided to try a new frontier of marketing, offering customers a revolutionary pricing model called "The Survivor Package". The idea of the initiative is simple: ask customers gripped by the crisis "on what would be willing to give up" for a discount on the price of a room. And help them with a very special price list: a room for two people including breakfast costs $ 219 a night, but giving up various facilities can cost less.
Here is the price list:

• $ 199 without breakfast
• $ 179 without frigobar
• $ 159 without air conditioning or heating
• $ 139 without cushions (!)
• $ 109 without linen
• $ 89 without lights (!)
• $ 59 without linen
• $ 39 without Toilet Articles
• $ 19 without beds

Obviously this is a shocking, since it is doubtful whether there is someone to agree to stay in a luxury sleeping on the floor ... nothing but comfort!
But certainly the hotel Rancho Bernardo Inn has managed to get publicity with a proposal that capture the attention of the curious. In my opinion it is not a strategy to be underestimated, there are people who love adventure, to experience new situations and this seems to DOC.

On return from holiday will always say: "I have stayed in a luxury hotel! "
They will keep details for themselves.

Tourists invited to taste spaghetti on the streets

If you see around in downtown of Rome waiters in hand with a nice plate of pasta know that's th last idea of restaurants to attract new customers.
In fact, tourists are tasting tipical dishes then decide whether or not sit in the room.
This happens nearby of Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Navona and Piazza Venezia, but certainly not a pleasure to residents who were opposed to this phenomenon which would be in the eyes of foreigners the image of a city "where the tourists come from chickens plucking. "
It will not be passed unnoticed by the story of the bill presented to the two Japanese tourists.

source :

World swimming Rome-2009

Swimming World Rome 2009:
(contact us for special rates for this event)
since the summer falls, and even the holidays, here's a preview of the program then the most important races to be held in the city. Best time to schedule a visit to Rome or a reservation of a ticket. The inaugural ceremony of the World Cup in Rome is scheduled for July 18th even if the races will begin the day before the dives from the springboard of 1 and 10 meters. To mark in bold especially finals: men's water polo as are planned for the first of August, those for women July 31st. On July 20th the first game of men against the U.S.. Attention, then, to the finals in swimming: the 100 freestyle for men will be held July 30th, for women 31st. The 200 freestyle for women, with the italian Pellegrini, will be held July 29th and for men 28th. The thrilling 4 × 100 men's freestyle 31st. All competitions will be played at the pool Foro Italico, it is also "village ospitalità" (hospitality village).
Here the complete schedule.

Welcome To The Machine: Pink Floyd Musical

Lovers of the Musical, Pink Floyd and the Teatro Romano di Ostia Antica, the 18th July starting from the International Festival of Ostia Antica, the Italian tour of the Musical psychedelic Welcome to the Machine, by the same name in the video track. Much more than just a musical, the show-concert is characterized by an explosive mix of dance, acting, 3D graphics and live music tracks of the most renowned and significant group of English rock. Welcome to the Machine is inspired by the story of the first group leader Syd Barrett, told from the memories of the other components lost behind the fabulous atmosphere of the sixties, children of the flowers, music, dreams of a life devoted to creativity, drugs and the madness of showbiz that will devour Syd. A real gem for connoisseurs worth the 30 euros of Parterre and 20 steps, for the rest of my recommendations remain valid. On the website of Welcome to the Machine is everything and more ... on the show, cast, merchandising, poster and video included.Enjoy the show!


what happens in Rome

Must include the Capitoline she-wolf, stylized too, and the word "Roma".
There are other rules for participating in the contest launched by Comune di Roma (Municipality of Rome) to create the new logo of the city of Rome, a symbol that in the near future will complement the official heraldic shield-institutional SPQR.
The new logo will serve to revitalize the image of Rome enhancing their visibility in the immediate wake of what has been done in other cities, like New York with the famous I Love NY with the red heart . It will be the basis of the merchandising and the internationalization of Rome and in the future could become even quality mark.
The contest is called "Roma in un'immagine" will be open to all.
Can therefore participate not only the agencies and communication professionals but also students and graduates.
Proposals must be submitted to the Dipartimento XVII within October 6th and is a prize of 40,000 euros.
In addition to future glory for the world to have been the symbol of the eternal city.


great offer

Great offer for this weekend,
large double room (shared bathroom)
only €45 per night per room.

Gran oferta para este fin de semana,
gran habitación doble (con baño compartido)
sólo 45 € por noche por habitación.


We'll charge different rates depending season and / or number of guests.
To know the exact rates please contact us.

Single room:
Minimum price € 20,00 - max € 90,00

Double room:
Minimum price € 25,00 - max € 100,00

¿quiénes somos?

Situado en una posición que le permitirá llegar a pie todas las principales atracciones de la ciudad "That's Rome" le ofrece habitaciones tranquilas y confortables (baños compartido), en el interior de un apartamento en el 4 º piso de un palacio del siglo pasado (1885, como puede leer en el emblema de la construcción en sí), los gruesos muros que garanticen la paz durante el resto de su techo y garantizar un alto sentido de que el espacio más allá de la luz debido a las grandes ventanas, todas las peculiaridades típicas de los palacios de Roma . A pocos pasos de nosotros se encuentra el metro que le permitirá llegar a todos los rincones de la ciudad con la mayor sencillez, si desea ver la ciudad, muy cerca, a partir de nosotros se puede llegar a cada una de las principales atracciones de la ciudad también hacer el paseo, en cuestión de minutos se puede llegar al Coliseo, la Basílica de Santa Maria Maggiore, la Basílica de San Juan, o de profundidad, en las callejuelas del casco antiguo. Usted puede decidir tomar el tren para moverse fuera de la ciudad, de hecho, la estación de Termini, es una de varias decenas de metros de aquí, muy cómodo, así como nodo de intercambio metropolitanas romanas, incluidas las conexiones desde y hacia los aeropuertos de Fiumicino y Ciampino. El barrio se ha convertido en el eje de las diferentes culturas es también el hogar de un mercado multiétnico en el que podrá descubrir los sabores y olores de todo el mundo, así como una amplia selección de restaurantes e internacionales, Internet Café, etc, el parque a pocos metros por nosotros, el parque de la Piazza Vittorio, precisamente, a menudo anfitriones de un evento, una de las partes o incluso en verano, un cine al aire libre con dos pantallas. Huelga añadir que en la zona no hay ningún tipo de servicio que puede volver útil, desde un supermercado, oficinas de correos, bancos, sino también tiendas de diversos tipos, donde encontrar recuerdos agradables de recordar unas vacaciones en la Ciudad Eterna.

about us

Located in a position that will allow you to reach on foot all major attraction of the city "That's Rome bed&breakfast" will offer you quiet and comfortable rooms (with shared bathroom), inside an apartment on the 4th floor of a palace of the last century (1885, as can read in the emblem of the building itself), the thick walls that will ensure peace during the rest of your roof and ensure that a high sense of space beyond that of light due to large windows, all typical peculiarities of the palaces of Rome . Just a few steps away from us you will find the subway that will allow you to reach every corner of the city with the greatest simplicity, if you want to see the city very closely, starting with us you can reach each of the major attractions of the city also doing the walk, in minutes you can reach the Colosseum, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the Basilica of St. John, or deep in the alleys of Old Town. You can decide to take the train to move outside the city, in fact the Termini station, is a few tens of meters from here, very comfortable, as well as node exchange metropolitan Roman, including connections to and from the airports of Fiumicino and Ciampino. The neighborhood has become the fulcrum of different cultures is also home to a multiethnic market in which you can discover the tastes and smells from around the world as well as a wide choice of restaurants and international, Internet Cafe, etc., The park a few meters by us, the park of Piazza Vittorio precisely, often hosts an event, a party or even in summer, an outdoor cinema with two screens. Needless to add that in the area there is any kind of service that can return useful, from a supermarket, post offices, banks but also shops of various kinds, where to find nice souvenirs to remember a holiday in the Eternal City.